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Austria 11
England 1
France 10
Russia 12
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The game ended with no winners.
The world has descended into chaos.
Country | Player | |
Borgeat Loïc#8081 | |
Patrick Olivier#9844 | |
Rymeorsk#9878 | |
GabParis#9480 | |
Volthor#7607 | |
Steve Personeni#4435 | |
hibouG #4191 |
Cyrille #9544
Austria | A Boh F Bul/sc A Gal F Gre F Nap A Pie A Rom A Rum A Ser F Tri A Ven |
England | A Lvp |
France | A Bur F Edi A Hol F LYO A Mar F NTH F NWG A Ruh F Tun F TYS |
Russia | F BAL A Ber F Con F Den F ION A Kie A Mun F Nwy A Sil F Stp/nc F Swe A War |