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Austria 2
England 10
France 8
Italy 4
Russia 3
Turkey 7
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Return to Fall 1914
Country | Player | |
Tommy Anderson#1761 | |
Draw! | esilverman#6601 |
Draw! | Chris Brand#8810 |
Captain Poopy Shoe#1197 | |
Draw! | brandonf#1574 |
Draw! | adam.silverman#5954 |
Draw! | Kindword&guns#8456 |
Germany |
Unassigned |
Riaz #6696
Austria | A Bud A Vie |
England | F BAL F BAR A Ber F BOT F Hol A Kie F NTH F NWG A Stp A Edi Build SUCCEEDS |
France | A Bel F LYO A Mun A Pie F Tun F Tus A Tyr F TYS |
Italy | F Apu F Nap A Tri A Ven |
Russia | A Mos A Sev A War |
Turkey | F ADR F BLA A Bul F Gre F ION A Rum A Ser |