Country | Player | |
Draw! | Medusa#4960 |
cjpedone#3417 | |
Captain Poopy Shoe#1197 | |
Draw! | Tommy Anderson#1761 |
RandyLH#3953 | |
Draw! | dance.scholar#1423 |
adam.silverman#5954 |
Austria | F AEG S Con - Smy SUCCEEDS A Boh S Rum - Gal SUCCEEDS A Bud S Ser - Rum SUCCEEDS A Bul - Con FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) A Con - Smy SUCCEEDS F EAS S Con - Smy SUCCEEDS F Naf S WES SUCCEEDS A Pie S Mar SUCCEEDS A Rum - Gal FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the head to head strength) A Ser - Rum FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) A Vie S Rum - Gal SUCCEEDS F WES S Mar - Spa FAILS (Invalid Order) |
France | A Bre S Par FAILS (Disrupted) A Mar - Bur FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) A Par H FAILS (Insufficient hold strength) |
Germany | A Bel - Bur FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) A Bur - Par SUCCEEDS A Kie - Ber SUCCEEDS F Lon S NTH - ENG FAILS (Invalid Order) A Mun - Tyr SUCCEEDS A Pic S Bur - Par SUCCEEDS A Ruh - Mun SUCCEEDS |
Russia | A Ank - Con FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) F BLA - Bul/ec FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) A Gal - Rum FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the head to head strength) F IRI - MAO FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) F MAO - Bre FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) F NTH - Den SUCCEEDS F Por S IRI - MAO SUCCEEDS A Sev S Gal - Rum SUCCEEDS A Smy S Ank - Con FAILS (Displaced) A Spa S Mun - Vie FAILS (Invalid Order) A Ukr S Gal - Rum SUCCEEDS |