Country | Player | |
buffalo#8170 | |
David Hood#2887 | |
Captain Poopy Shoe#1197 | |
dmiller430#9242 | |
Genea5613#1912A#1912 | |
Jason Mastbaum#8314 | |
Winner! | Blueraider0#2560 |
Austria | A Boh - Sil SUCCEEDS A Bud - Vie SUCCEEDS F Gre - ION FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) A Mun S Ruh - Kie SUCCEEDS A Pie H SUCCEEDS A Ruh - Kie SUCCEEDS A Tri - Tyr SUCCEEDS |
England | F Bel S Par - Bre FAILS (Invalid Order) F ENG - Bre FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) F Hol - Kie FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) F Mar S Por - Spa/sc FAILS (Disrupted) F NTH S SKA - Den SUCCEEDS A Nwy - Swe FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) F Por - Spa/sc FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) F SKA - Den FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) |
France | A Par - Bre FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) |
Germany | F BAL S Den SUCCEEDS A Den S Kie FAILS (Disrupted) F Fin S Swe SUCCEEDS A Gas - Mar FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) A Kie S Ruh - Hol FAILS (Invalid Order) A Mos - War FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) A Spa S Gas - Mar FAILS (Disrupted) F Swe S Den FAILS (Disrupted) |
Italy | F Nap - Rom FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) F Tun - TYS SUCCEEDS |
Russia | A Stp - Mos FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) |
Turkey | F BLA H SUCCEEDS F EAS - ION FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) A Gal - War FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) F Rom S TYS - Nap SUCCEEDS A Sev - Mos SUCCEEDS F TYS - Nap SUCCEEDS A Ukr S Sev - Mos SUCCEEDS |