Country | Player | |
Hellenic Riot#5814 | |
Winner! | seren#2372 |
Waifu#8044 | |
GalahadIII#1815 | |
BesharamSabi#9987 | |
wardiecj#9788 | |
Wes#3808 |
Garry Sturley#None
Austria | A Bud - Ser SUCCEEDS F Bul/sc - AEG FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) A Gal - Ukr SUCCEEDS A Rom - Apu FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) A Rum S Gal - Ukr SUCCEEDS A Sil - War FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) A Tri - Alb SUCCEEDS A Ven - Tus FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) A Vie - Gal SUCCEEDS |
England | F BAR - Stp/nc SUCCEEDS A Bel - Pic SUCCEEDS A Ber - Pru SUCCEEDS F Bre - Gas FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) F Den - Swe FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) F ENG - MAO SUCCEEDS A Kie - Mun SUCCEEDS F Lon - ENG SUCCEEDS A Nwy S BAR - Stp/nc SUCCEEDS A Ruh - Bur FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the defend strength) A Stp - Mos SUCCEEDS |
France | A Bur - Gas FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) A Mar - Pie SUCCEEDS A Mun - Ber SUCCEEDS F Nap S TYS - ION SUCCEEDS A Tus S Nwy - Smy FAILS (Invalid Order) F TYS - ION SUCCEEDS |
Germany | F Swe H SUCCEEDS |
Italy | F Tun S TYS - ION SUCCEEDS |
Russia | A Lvn S War SUCCEEDS A Mos - Sev SUCCEEDS A War S Ber - Sil FAILS (Invalid Order) |
Turkey | F Apu - ION FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) F ION - AEG FAILS (Attack strength is not greater than the prevent strength) A Smy - Con SUCCEEDS |